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Welcome to Coffee Cups & Cursors. We're happy you're here, and we hope you stick around to watch the chaos unfold. But right now, you're probably wondering who we are.

Megan is an excitable, wise-cracking, florals-obsessed short story writer (almost) fresh out of college with dreams of finally finishing a book. She also just started an Etsy shop, swing dances whenever she can, and is a very casual video gamer, though her boyfriend keeps trying to change that.

Jessica is a meticulous, somewhat sarcastic, history-loving freelance camera assistant and aspiring writer. In her free time, she likes to read (of course) and knit and crochet.

With their powers combined, these two friends become...


That’s the idea, anyway! This blog was born when we met up at a local boba tea bar, each completely unaware that we would be debating fonts and securing a URL within the hour. What we were (and are!) aware of is a mutual love of the written word and boundless desire to share our successes and struggles with the world.

But, in truth, this is your blog, writer. Whether you've been published a hundred times or are struggling with your first-ever page one, we hope you'll make yourself at home here. We aim to bring you high-quality content centered around the writing craft and the writing lifestyle.

Now Come Find Us

If you want to know what we're up to this month, you can check out our writing goals for June!

If you want to follow us on social media, head on over to our contact page.

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