It’s every writer’s worst nightmare. It creeps suddenly into your mind until it’s all you can think of, stopping the flow of any creative juice you have. Writer’s block - a writer’s number one enemy. People can tell you a thousand ways to try to beat writer’s block, but in order to actually do so, you have to find what works for you. For some people, that’s going back to the drawing board, reworking the plot from the beginning. Some people flee from their writing, seeking refuge far away. If you do a search on the Internet, it’ll yield resumes like “go for a walk” or “create a routine.” Think Small What I like to do when I have writer’s block is start short. I find prompt generators for short stories or work on scenes from shelved WIPs (works-in-progress, for those who don't know) until something in my brain starts flowing again. I keep a main WIP folder on my computer so I can go right to my project or avoid it if I’m blocked on it. That keeps my project in the front of ...